Unleash the
Power of Sound

Elevate Your Craft with Bastian Gerner,
The Foley Maestro

Unleash the Power
of Sound

Elevate Your Craft with Bastian Gerner,
The Foley Maestro

Hello, I'm
Bastian Gerner

known to many as The Foley Teacher. With way more than a decade of hands-on experience in the art of Foley and Sounddesign, working alongside industry giants such as Ubisoft and Warner Brothers, I’ve honed a unique skill set that’s at the intersection of art, technique, and technology. My mission is to enable you to record AAA quality sounds and proper Foley in your edit suite or home studio, even if is a non ideal room! I also prep audio students to be well equipped for their first job and offer individual coaching and Foley services.

Hello, I'm
Bastian Gerner

known to many as The Foley Teacher. With way more than a decade of hands-on experience in the art of Foley and Sounddesign, working alongside industry giants such as Ubisoft and Warner Brothers, I’ve honed a unique skill set that’s at the intersection of art, technique, and technology. My mission is to enable you to record AAA quality sounds and proper Foley in your edit suite or home studio, even if is a non ideal room! I also prep audio students to be well equipped for their first job and offer individual coaching and Foley services.

Here's how I can guide you on your
journey to Foley mastery

Let me show you how to perform footsteps efficiently with rich details on modular surfaces. Performing cloth movement without just creating a hum of white noise is a delicate matter, we can master it together. Understand the intricate details of using props to mimic everyday sounds. From the softest whisper of a leaf to the powerful impact of a sledge hammer, I’ll teach you to bring life to any scene. 

Learn about my special microphone technique using a shotgun and a dynamic mic to get around low end and reverberation issues within non ideal rooms. I will share best practices within all digital audio workstations for Foley work. We go through your plugins and outboard gear and design your recording chain together. Comparing your sound results always with mine until you are happy with your results. 

Foley editing is crucial, not only when you start out in the industry. I edited tons of sessions before I started becoming a Foley Artist myself. Over the years I developed a style of editing that meets the efficiency for TV movies and upholds the quality you need for a feature film. My course for students focuses around editing Foley and understanding how to create focus to enhance linear and non linear storytelling. Pro Audio coachees will get tools and techniques to be more efficient and earn more in less time.

Walk beside me as we take on your real-world projects. Imagine you have some sounds you are struggling with. Wa can tackle those sounds together. I love brainstorming in a team. You come up with ideas and I come up with ideas. Within our session I record all the sounds I have in mind and upload them afterwards for you. All assets that I produce during our sessions will be free to use for you in all of your current and future projects. 

The world of Foley and SFX is evolving, and so must we. Stay updated with the latest techniques, tools, and technologies under my guidance. Sounddesign is more and more entering the realm of film and game music. A list composers hire sound designers for their projects. AI should be incorporated in our workflows and products as well if we want to stay relevant and profitable!

Each persons journey is unique, and I’ll be there to provide tailored advice. Whether you’re working on your first Foley project or looking to refine an advanced skill, I’ll be there to guide, critique, and celebrate your progress. I am also still learning new things every day and I am sure that I will learn something from you too! Each one teach one.

Join me, and together, we'll not just make sounds – we'll enhance emotions, create atmospheres and unforgettable cinematic moments.

Let’s turn your passion for sound into an even more creative career within the pro audio industry.


Learn with me



Apply with a certificate of enrollment that proves that you study audio at a university. I will bring you up to speed in four weeks and make you ready for the industry. The best participants will be introduced into my network for their potential first full time position in Foley.


6 weeks 1 on 1

This course is designed for audio professionals looking to expand their knowledge on Foley and SFX recording in their edit suites or home studios. You will have my full attention for 6 weeks, get additional VOD content and access to an exclusive network hub for knowledge and job sharing.


1 on 1

You need help. Stuck on a project, got a Foley question you can’t answer, or just wanna have some banter? You want to know how to break into the AAA gaming or postproduction industry? Schedule a 1 on 1 call with me and I’ll coach you to success.


companies I have worked for

universities I have taught at